Muhammad Zafrullah, Department of Mathematics,

Idaho State University, Pocatello ID 83209

[1]. A note on two generated finite groups with two defining relations, Punjab Univ. J. Math. (Lahore) 4(1971), 67-68.

[2]. On the evaluation of a certain arithmetical function, J. Natur. Sci. and Math. 12(1972), 363-365 (with S.M. Kerawala).

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[3]. Semirigid GCD-domains, Manuscripta Math. 17(1975), 55-66.

[4]. The construction D+XD[1/S][X], J. Algebra 53(1978), 423-439 (with D.L. Costa and J.L. Mott).

[5]. On a result of Gilmer, J. London Math. Soc. 16 (1977), 19-20.

[6]. Rigid elements in GCD domains, J. Natur. Sci. and Math. 17(1977), 7-14.

[7]. On unique representation domains, J. Natur. Sci. and Math. 18(1978), 19-29.

[8]. On finite conductor domains, Manuscripta Math. 24(1978), 191-204.

[9]. On Prüfer v-multiplication domains, Manuscripta Math. 35(1981), 1-26 (with J.L. Mott).

[10].Some polynomial characterizations of Prüfer v-multiplication domains, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 32 (1984), 231-237.

[11].The v-operation and intersections of quotient rings of integral domains, Comm. Algebra 13(1985) 1699-1712.

[12].A general theory of almost factoriality, Manuscripta Math. 51(1985), 29-62.

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[13].Overrings and dimensions of general D+ M constructions, J. Natur. Sci. and Math. 26(2) (1986), 7-14 (with D.L. Costa and J.L. Mott ).

[14].The GCD property and irreducible quadratic polynomials, International J. Math. 9(1986), 749-752 (with S.B. Malik and J.L. Mott).

[15].On generalized Dedekind domains, Mathematika 33(1986), 285-296.

[16].On a property of pre-Schreier domains, Comm. Algebra 15(1987), 1895-1920.

[17].On t-invertibility, Comm. Algebra 16(1988), 149-170 (with S.B. Malik and J.L. Mott).

[18].The D+XD[1/S][X] construction from GCD-domains, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 50(1988), 93-107.

[19].Two characterizations of Mori domains, Math. Japonica 33(1988), 645-652.

[20].On generalized multiplicative functions I, J. Natur. Sci. and Math. 28(1988), 257-268.

[21].Integral domains in which each t-ideal is divisorial, Michigan Math. J. 35(1988), 291-300 (with E. Houston).

[22].Ascending chain conditions and star operations, Comm. Algebra 17(6) (1989), 1523-1533.

[23].Some characterizations of v-domains and related questions, Colloq. Math. Vol. LVIII (1989), 1-9 (with D.D. Anderson, D.F. Anderson, D. Costa, D. Dobbs and J.L. Mott).

[24].Some quotient based characterizations of domains of multiplicative ideal theory, Bull. Math. Ital. (7) 3-B (1989), 455-476 (with D.D. Anderson and J.L. Mott).

[25].On t-invertibility II, Comm. Algebra 17(8) (1989), 1955-1969 (with E. Houston).

[26].t-linked overrings and Prüfer v-multiplication domains, Comm. Algebra 17(11)( 1989), 2635-2852 (with D. Dobbs, E. Houston and T. Lucas).

[27].On some class groups of an integral domain, Bull. Soc. Math. Grece. 29(1988), 45-59 (with A. Bouvier).

[28].Unruly Hilbert domains, Canad. Bull. Math. 33(1) (1990), 106-109 (with J.L. Mott).

[29].Well behaved prime t-ideals, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 65(1990), 199-207.

[30].Contents of polynomials and invertibility, Comm. Algebra 18(5) (1990), 1569-1583 (with J.L. Mott and B. Nashier).

[31].Flatness and invertibility of ideals, Comm. Algebra 18(7)(1990), 2151-2158.

[32].t-linked overrings as intersections of localizations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 109(3)(1990), 637-646 (with D. Dobbs, E. Houston and T. Lucas).

[33].Weakly factorial domains and groups of divisibility, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 109(4)(1990), 907-913. (with D.D. Anderson).

[34].Factoriality in partially ordered groups, Comm. Algebra 18(5)(1990), 1307-1322.

[35].On almost Bezout domains, J. Algebra 142(1991), 285-309 (with D.D. Anderson).

[36].Pseudo-integrality, Canad. Math. Bull. 34(1)(1991), 15-22  (with  D.F. Anderson and E. Houston).

[37].Factorization in integral domains, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 69(1990),1-19 (with D.D. Anderson and D. F. Anderson).

[38].Rings between D[X] and K[X], Houston J. Math. 17(1)(1991), 109-129 (with D.D. Anderson and D.F. Anderson).

[39].On Krull domains, Archiv der Math. 56(1991), 559-568 (with J.L. Mott).

[40].Splitting the t-class group, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 74( 1991), 17-37 (with D.D. Anderson and D.F. Anderson).

[41].t-linked overrings of Noetherian weakly factorial domains, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 115(3)(1992), 601-604 (with M. Martin).

[42].Factorization in integral domains II, J. Algebra 152(1992), 78-93 (with D.D. Anderson and D.F. Anderson).

[43].Finite character representations for integral domains, Bull. Math. Ital. (7) 6-B(1992), 613-630  (with D.D. Anderson and J.L. Mott).

[44].On t-linked overrings, Comm. Algebra 20(5)(1992), 1463-1488 (with D. Dobbs, E. Houston, T. Lucas and M. Roitman).

[45].Atomic domains in which almost all atoms are primes, Comm. Algebra 20(5)(1992), 1447-1462 (with D.D. Anderson and D.F. Anderson).

[46].On t-invertibility III, Comm. Algebra 21(1993), 1189-1201 (with D.D. Anderson).

[47].t-linked extensions, the t-class group and Nagata’s Theorem, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 86(1993), 109-124 (with D.D. Anderson and E. Houston).

[48].On t-invertibility and comparability, Commutative Ring Theory (eds. P.-J. Cahen, D. Costa, M. Fontana and S.-E. Kabbaj), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1994, 141-150 (with R. Gilmer and J. Mott).

[49].Some locally trivial star theoretic properties of integral domains, Commutative Ring Theory (eds. P.-J. Cahen, D. Costa, M. Fontana and S.-E. Kabbaj), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1994, 87-96 (with D. Dobbs).

[50].A note on Riesz groups, Manuscripta Math. 80(1993), 225-238.

[51].A note on triangular numbers, Punjab. Univ. J. Math. 26( 1993), 75-83 (with H. Lee).

[52].On a theorem of Kaplansky, Bolletino U.M.I. (7) 8-A (1994), 397-402 (with D.D. Anderson).

[53].P.M. Cohn’s completely primal elements, Zero-Dimensional Commutative Rings (eds. D.F. Anderson and D. Dobbs) Marcel Dekker, New York, 1995, 115-123 (with D.D. Anderson).

[54].On generalized unique factorization, Bollettino U. M. I. (7) 9-A (1995), 401-413 (with D.D. Anderson and D.F. Anderson).

[55].On agreeable domains, Comm. Algebra 23 (13) (1995), 4861-4883 (with D.D. Anderson and D. J. Kwak).

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[56]. Examples in modern algebra with which students can play, Primus 6 No. 4, (1996), 351-354 (with T. Jackson).

[57]. On t-invertibility IV, Factorization in Integral Domains (ed. D.D. Anderson) Marcel Dekker, New York, 1997, 221-225 (with D.D. Anderson).

[58]. Criteria for unique factorization in integral domains, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 127(1998), 205-218 (with D.D. Anderson, S. T. Chapman and F.Halter-Koch)

[59]. Unique factorization in non-atomic integral domains, Bollettino U. M. I 8(2-B) (1999) 341-352 (with D.D. Anderson and J.L. Mott).

[60]. Star operations and primitive polynomials, Comm. Algebra 27(7)(1999) 3137-3142  (with D.D. Anderson).

[61]. Independent locally finite intersections of localizations, Houston J. Math. 25(1999) 433-452  (with D. D. Anderson)

[62]. Integral domains whose over-rings satisfy ACC on principal ideals, Comm. Algebra 28(9)(2000), 4403-4409. (with T. Dumitrescu and Tariq Shah)

[63]. Splitting multiplicative sets Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129(2001) (8), 2209-2217 (with D. D. Anderson).

[64]. Putting t-invertibility to use, Non-Noetherian commutative ring theory, 429--457, Math. Appl., 520, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2000.

[65]. Primes that become primal in a pullback, Internat. J. Comm. Ring Theory (Commutative rings), 201--212, Nova Sci. Publ., Hauppauge, NY, 2002. (with T. Dumitrescu and N. Radu).

[66]. The ring D+XD[1/S][X] and t-splitting sets, Commutative algebra. Arab. J. Sci. Eng. Sect. C Theme Issues 26 (2001), no. 1, 3--16. (with D. D. Anderson and D.F. Anderson) )

[67]. Distinguished domains,  Internat. J. Comm. Ring Theory (to appear)  (with D.D. Anderson).

[68]. LCM-splitting sets in some ring extensions Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), no. 6, 1639—1644 (with T. Dumitrescu).

[69]. Almost GCD domains of finite t-character, J. Algebra 245(2001) no 1, 161-181 (with T. Dumitrescu, Y. Lequain and J. Mott)

[70]. Various facets of rings between D[X] and K[X], a survey article that has “half appeared” in the proceedings of the 2001 Fez Conference (Lecture notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 231, pp   (Marcel-Dekker 2002), under the nonsensical title, “Facets on rings between D[X] and K[X]”. The paper has appeared as indicated below. I am treating it as two papers because apparently Math. Reviews have done that.

[71]. Various facets of rings between D[X] and K[X], Comm. Algebra 31(5) (2003) 2494-2540.

[72].On a property of weakly Krull domains, Proc. Amer. Soc. 131(12) (2003)   3689-3692 (with D.D. Anderson).

[73].Almost Splitting Sets and AGCD Domains, Comm. Algebra, 32(1)(2004), 147-158   (with D. D. Anderson and T. Dumitrescu).

[74]. Factorization of certain sets of polynomials in an integral domain, Internat. J. Comm. Ring Theory, 2(2003) (with D.D. Anderson and Pramod K. Sharma)

[75]. t-Splitting sets in integral domains, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 187, No.1-3, 71-86 (2004). (with G.W. Chang and T. Dumitrescu).

[76]. AP domains and unique factorization, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 189, No.1-3, 27-35 (2004) (with James Coykendall)

[77]. UMV domains, Arithmetical properties of commutative rings and monoids, 304--315, Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math., 241, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2005 (with Evan Houston).

[78]. Weakly Krull inside factorial domains, Arithmetical properties of commutative rings and monoids, 172--179, Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math., 241, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2005 (with D.D. Anderson and G.W. Chang).

[79]. A note on almost GCD monoids, Semigroup Forum Volume 69, Number 1(2004), 141-154 (with DD Anderson).

[80]. t-splitting sets of ideals, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 197(1-3)(2005) 239--248. (with Gyu Whan Chang and T. Dumitrescu)

[81]. The half factorial property and the domains of the form A+XB[X], Houston J. Math. 32(1)(2006) 33-46 (with J. Coykendall and T. Dumitrescu)

[82]. w-integral closure of integral domains, The w-integral closure of integral domains. J. Algebra 295(1)(2006) 195--210. (with G. W. Chang).

[83]. The Schreier Property and Gauss’ Lemma (with D.D. Anderson) Bollettino U. M. I. (8) 10-B (2007), 43-62.

[84]. Quasi Schreier domains II  ( with Dan Anderson and Tiberiu Dumitrescu) Comm. Algebra 35(7)(2007), 2096-2104.

[85]. What v-coprimality can do for you, Multiplicative ideal theory in commutative algebra, 387--404, Springer, New York, 2006.

[86]. Pseudo almost integral elements (with Dan Anderson) Comm. Algebra 35(4)(2007), 1127-1131.

[87]. Monoid domain constructions of antimatter domains, Comm. Algebra  35  (2007),  no. 10, 3236--3241 (with Dan Anderson, Linda Hill and Jim Coykendall).

[88]. Factoriality in Riesz groups J. Group Theory, 11(1)(2008), 23-41 (with Joe Mott and Muneer Rashid).

[89]. Unique representation domains, II, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 212(2008), 376-393 (with Said El-Baghdadi and S. Gabelli).

[90]. Some remarks on Prufer *-multiplication domains and class groups, J. Algebra 319(1) (2008), 272-295(with David Anderson and Marco Fontana).

[91]. Almost Bezout domains, III, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, Tome 51(99) No. 1 (2008), 3-9 (with Dan Anderson).

[92]. Some applications of Zorn’s Lemma in Algebra, Tamkang J. Math. 40(2)(2009), 139-150 (with Dan Anderson and David Dobbs).

[93]. On v-domains and star operations, Comm. Algebra 37(2009) 1-26 (with Dan Anderson, David Anderson and Marco Fontana).

[94]. Splitting sets and weakly Matlis domains, Fontana, Marco (ed.) et al., Commutative algebra and its applications. Proceedings of the fifth international Fez conference on commutative algebra and applications, Fez, Morocco, June 23--28, 2009. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 1-8 (2009) (with Dan Anderson).

[95]. On v-domains: a survey, in "Commutative Algebra: Noetherian and non-Noetherian Perspectives" (M. Fontana, S. Kabbaj, B. Olberding, and I. Swanson Editors), Springer, New York, 2011. (with Marco Fontana).

[96]. $t$-invertibility and Bazzoni-like statements J. Pure Appl. Algebra 214(2010), 654-657.

[97]. Integral domains in which nonzero locally principal ideals are invertible, Comm. Algebra (accepted for publication) (with Dan Anderson).

[98]. A “v-operation free” approach to Prufer v-multiplication domains, IJMMS, doi:10.1155/2009/349010 (with Marco Fontana).

[99]. t-Schreier domains, Comm. Algebra (accepted for publication) (with T. Dumitrescu).

[100]. Characterizing domains of finite *-character, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 214 (2010), 2087-2091) (with T. Dumitrescu).

[101]. *-Finite ideals contained in infinitely many *s-maximal ideals, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 2011, Volume 60, Number 3, Pages 319-322 (with Dan Anderson).

[102]. The v-operation in extensions of integral domains, J. Algebra Appl., 11(1)(2012) (18 pages) (Abstract: (with David Anderson and said El-Baghdadi)

[103]. Bases of pre-Riesz groups and Conrad’s F-condition, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2011, Volume 36, Number 6, Pages 1047-1061 (with Y.C. Yang).

[104 Integral domains of finite t-character, J. Algebra (to appear) (With D.D. Anderson and G.W. Chang)



